When using headsets with mic, you must match the audio input and output devices in the Settings » Sounds page.
- We recommend using high-quality noise cancelling wired headsets with mic. Using Bluetooth or wireless headsets can cause poor audio quality due to connectivity problems.
The steps below show you how to ensure that the same input and output audio devices are selected in your system settings so that the 'Join with Computer Audio' will function.
NOTE: The location of the audio settings may differ based on the system used. The following procedure is derived based on Windows 10 system settings.
- Type ‘Sound Settings’ in the Windows search bar and press the Enter button or click the Open button.
- After the Settings » Sounds page pops ups, make sure you have the same sound device selected in both the "Choose your output device" and "Choose your input device" dropdowns. If not, select the same device.
- Now, connect to the Koncert Phone Bridge using the Join with Computer Audio feature.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at support@koncert.com or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.