Koncert has provided the ability to transfer the uploaded call list(s) to your team member’s Lists tab for dialing through a Transfer option that has been added above the grid.
NOTE: The Transfer option will be available only for Managers.
Below you can find how to transfer the uploaded call list(s) to your team member(s):
- Select the Call List(s) that you wish to transfer to your team member. Then, click the Actions button on the top and select the option Transfer.
- You can select and transfer multiple Static Call Lists.
- You cannot transfer the Dynamic list(s) to a team member. If trying to do so, an alert message below will be displayed. Click OK.
- You cannot transfer the lists that are being dialed in the Session tab to a team member. If trying to do so, an alert message below will be displayed:
- The Transfer Ownership window will pop up. By default, the From dropdown will be displayed with your name (logged-in manager name). Select a user from the To dropdown to whom the list(s) has to be transferred. Click Transfer.
NOTE: Only Sales Reps assigned to the logged-in Manager team(s) will be listed in the Select User dropdown.
- The message below will be displayed asking you to confirm the transfer:
- Click Confirm to transfer the call list(s), or
- Click Close icon to cancel this process
- The message below will be displayed after the transfer is successful.
- The call list(s) will be moved to the selected user’s Lists tab and removed from the manager’s Lists tab.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at support@koncert.com or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.