In the Lists tab, both Users and Managers can archive an uploaded call list to an index called ‘Archived Lists’. When needed, you can also Unarchive the list from the same index.
In addition, the managers can navigate to the My Team's Lists tab to archive the lists of their team members.
Below you can find how to archive an uploaded call list:
- In the Lists tab, Select the call list(s) you would like to archive. Then, click the Actions button on the top and select the option Archive.
- The confirmation message below will be displayed. Click Confirm to archive the selected call list(s).
- Once the list has been archived successfully, a confirmation message "List Archived" will be displayed.
- The list will be moved to the Archived Lists screen. Click on the Actions button on the top and select the option Archived Lists to view the archived files, as shown below:
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.