To dial a list from the Salesforce CRM in Koncert, you need first to import your list into Koncert. Only customers whose Salesforce CRM is integrated with Koncert will have access to this feature.
Please refer to the article Salesforce Integration for detailed information on how to integrate Salesforce CRM with Koncert.
PRE-REQUISITES: Make sure your report contains a Contact/Lead Name and a phone number for a successful upload.
Reports can be uploaded from the below tabs:
- Dialing Session – The Reports can be uploaded directly through the Setting Summary window and can be dialed whenever needed.
- Lists – When Reports are added to the Lists tab, they can be uploaded and dialed whenever needed.
From the Dialing Session tab:
You can directly import a report from Salesforce in the Dialing Session tab. Only one report can be uploaded at once.
- For Salesforce org without any Sales Engagement Platform, Salesforce will be displayed by default in the Source dropdown.
If integrated with any Sales Engagement Platform, the Source dropdown should be selected as Salesforce.
- The Search/Upload Lists & Follow-Ups section allows the users to search and import Call lists from Salesforce.
By default, if no call list is visible in the Dialing Session tab, the dropdown displays the names of the 5 most recent call lists, along with Koncert Salesforce Follow Ups (Not Due) and Koncert Salesforce Follow Ups (Past Due)
However, if recent call lists are visible in the Dialing Session tab, the dropdown will list 4 recently uploaded call lists.
You can directly search and import reports into the Dialing Session tab by selecting the report you wish.
- Once selected, the report will be automatically imported into the Dialing Session tab. The report is now ready in Koncert for dialing. You can proceed to initiate the dialing session.
- Koncert automatically adds the lists to the Lists tab if they are not already available.
- Additionally, users can search and import any available lists from the Lists tab and dial them as needed.
From the Lists tab:
First, add a report to the Lists tab. Once you add the list, the list will always be ready to import from the Lists tab. Select the list you wish to dial and click Begin Import.
This not only saves you time but the list will be updated with the most recent data in your report. You will also get the benefit of seeing how many connects you have made with the list, how many dials, and when you most recently dialed with the list.
Below you can find how to import a report from the ‘Lists’ tab.
- Go to the ‘Lists’ tab in the Koncert portal.
- Click on Add Lists » Add from Salesforce.
- After the Add records from Salesforce window pops up, you can select the Folder and the Report under the Select Reports by Folder tab. The Refresh
icon next to the Folder dropdown allows you to refresh your folders and reports.
You can search and select the report name directly from the Search a Report tab.
The name of the selected report will be displayed in the Save Your List As field.
- Click Next to configure List Settings for the list. This will be enabled on a request basis.
- Name – Defaults to the logged-in user name.
- Company – Name of the Organization.
- Caller ID – Choose a Caller ID from the dropdown on how you want your prospect to see your phone number coming in. Defaults to Automated Local Presence. if needed, you can change it.
The available options are – Mapped Caller ID, Custom, and Random.
- Automated Local Presence – This option provides local presence to the prospects. A pre-set pool of Caller IDs is added to the system and mapped to the area codes being dialed.
- Custom – When selecting this option, the Caller IDs dropdown will be enabled and allow you to select Caller IDs. The selected Caller IDs will be displayed to the prospect. If you choose more than one, they will round-robin.
- Random – When selecting this option, Koncert will randomly pick an Automated Local Presence Caller ID assigned.
NOTE: Please refer to the section Caller IDs for detailed information about Custom Caller IDs.
- Phone Field – By default, the phone columns selected under the Company Setup » Mandatory Phone Columns field will be displayed. If needed, you can change it.
- Voice Mail (optional) – Choose a default Voicemail from the dropdown that you wish to drop during the session. The selected voicemail will be displayed as default in the Settings Summary window as well as in the Call Disposition window when dialing the prospects. If needed, you can change it here. The VM Toggle in the Settings Summary will be automatically enabled if any of the voicemail is selected.
- Sort By – Select a column from the dropdown to sort the call list e.g. Contact Name. Also, it can be sorted either in Ascending or Descending order upon selection.
The Sort By dropdown list contains all the Standard and Custom fields by which the records can be sorted in the Session tab.
If you have selected No Sort from the dropdown, the records will be sorted in the exact order like how it was uploaded.
If you have selected the option Random, Koncert will randomly sort the records uploaded in the Dialing Session tab, not by any specific columns. Also, the Order dropdown (Ascending or Descending) next to that will be disabled.
NOTE: If you select Random as a sorting option, the records in the Dialing Session tab will keep sorting randomly each time when the session is started.
- Time Zones – Select the required US Time Zones to be dialed. The dialing session will be initiated only for the records in the selected time zone.
To dial international calls, select the time zone International. After that, all the other U.S. Time zones will be disabled or grayed out to restrict dialing records on other time zones.
NOTE: The International option will be displayed only for users making calls outside of the US and Canada (pre-configured settings).
- Click Save List to import the report into the Lists tab. A notification window saying ‘Your List has been saved successfully!’ will be displayed. Click the Close
icon to close the window.
The selected report from the Salesforce CRM will be uploaded and listed in the Lists tab.
Upload to Session for dialing
Once you have imported the Call List(s) from the Salesforce CRM, the next step is to upload the Call List(s) into the Dialing Session tab for dialing.
Below you can find how to select and move the imported Call List(s) into the Dialing Session:
- In the Lists tab, select the checkbox for the list(s) you want to upload into Dialing Session. You can select up to four list(s) at once.
- Choose the Calling Order (from 1 to 4) for each of the selected files.
- Click on the Begin Import button to upload the selected list(s) into the Session tab for dialing.
NOTE: If you have selected multiple files, then the alert message below will be displayed when clicking the Begin Import button.
This notifies the user that the dialing settings configured in the very first list will be applied to the successive lists. If needed, you can change the dialing settings before you begin dialing.
If you have selected multiple files to upload and you did not choose the Calling Order to merge, then an alert message below will be displayed with the above alert message, when clicking the Begin Import button.
Click Confirm to begin and merge the lists or click the Close icon to choose the required Calling Order.
- The Import Status screen will be displayed with the upload status of each file, i.e. the number of records imported/processed.
NOTE: During upload, if you have any duplicate records (or contacts) or records with missing contact names or invalid/missing phone numbers then those records will not be uploaded into the AIPD Session tab. The Import Status window will also display the following details:
- Total Contacts – Number of prospects in the list
- Contacts Uploaded – Number of prospects that uploaded successfully
- Missing Contact Name(s) – Number of prospects who failed to upload due to the missing Contact Name field
- Missing/Invalid Phone Number(s) – Number of prospects who failed to upload due to missing Phone Number across all phone columns
- Duplicate Contact(s) – Number of prospects failed to upload due to duplication
NOTE: You can view the Missing Contact Names, Missing/Invalid Numbers and Duplicate contacts by clicking on the Info icon next to the respective metrics.
For example, to view duplicate contacts, click the Info icon next to the Duplicate Contacts to bring up the Duplicate Records window.
To export the list as a CSV, click on the Export to CSV button.
- Click on the Continue button to proceed to Session and start dialing.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.