The Settings Summary panel is displayed on the right side of the Dialing Session tab, by default. If needed, you can collapse the panel by clicking on the Right Arrow icon and expand it again by clicking the Left Arrow icon.
It's important to note that any modifications made here will be automatically saved.
You can do the following activities:
❖ Search and Upload Lists & Follow-Ups
❖ Configure Phone columns and Caller IDs
❖ General Settings (AIFD/AIPD)
Search and Upload Lists & Follow-Ups
This dropdown lists out the Org name along with the integrated Sales Engagement Platform.
- CRM Orgs
- If integrated with any Sales Engagement Platform, the name of the integrated Platform will be displayed by default. You can select either CRM or Sales Engagement Platform from the dropdown.
- If no Sales Engagement Platform is integrated with the CRM org, then only the CRM will be displayed.
- Standalone Orgs
- If no Sales Engagement Platform is integrated with the Standalone org, then the label CSV will be displayed.
- If any Sales Engagement Platform is integrated with the Standalone org, then only the integrated Sales Engagement Platform will be displayed.
Search/Upload Lists & Follow-Ups:
This section allows users to search and import Call lists from the chosen CRM/Sales Engagement platform/CSV.
Koncert will automatically capture the Orgs whichever the user is logged- in and display the reports accordingly. For the CRM org/ Org integrated with the Sales Engagement Platform, users can directly search and import reports into the Dialing Session tab from the respective CRM/Sales Engagement platforms.
Once imported from there, Koncert automatically adds the lists under the Lists tab as well. Also, users can import any available lists from the Lists tab and dial them as required.
For the Standalone org, without any Sales Engagement platform integration, the user can directly import recently uploaded CSV files as well as search any CSV files available in the Lists tab.
Recent Lists
- CRM org without any Sales Engagement platform integration – When recent call lists are visible in the Dialing Session tab, the dropdown will list 4 recently uploaded call lists along with 2 system-generated follow-up lists, such as Koncert follow-up lists, by default.
However, if there are no call lists visible in the Dialing Session tab, the dropdown will only display the names of the 5 most recent call lists.
- Orgs integrated with the Sales Engagement platform, along with the follow-up lists, Pending Calls, and Manual calls will be listed and displayed.
Shared Sequence:
Applicable only for Salesloft & Outreach. By default, only sequences you own appear in the searches.
Enabling the Shared Sequences expands your search to include:
- Sequences created by other users.
Sequences shared directly with you by managers or other users.
However, when you import a shared sequence, only the prospects you own within that sequence will be imported into the Dialing Session.
Dialing Options
This section has the following options:
- Phone – Defaults to the Phone Column selected under the Administration » Company Setup » Mandatory Phone Columns. if needed, you can modify it. If you have selected multiple phone columns, the order of dialing depends on the column order selected. The Selected Phone column will be dialed in the order selected.
- Caller ID – Choose a Caller ID from the dropdown on how you want your prospect to see your phone number coming in.
The available options are – Automated Local Presence, Custom, and Random.
- Automated Local Presence – This option provides local presence to the prospects. A pre-set pool of Caller IDs is added to the system and mapped to the area codes being dialed.
- Custom – When selecting this option, the Caller IDs dropdown will be enabled and allow you to select Caller IDs. The selected Caller IDs will be displayed to the prospect. If you choose more than one, they will round-robin.
Here, an additional facility for purchasing a new Custom Caller ID directly from Twilio is provided. When a Custom option is selected from the dropdown, the following option will be made available.
Add – Click to add Custom Caller IDs. Please refer to the article Purchase Custom Caller IDs from Session tab for detailed instructions.
Set Call Forwarding Number – Click to assign a specific Call forwarding number for each Caller ID purchased from Twilio.
- Random – When selecting this option, Koncert will randomly pick an Automated Local Presence assigned.
Here, you can record a voicemail, play it as well as delete it. The voicemail selected will be dropped automatically by the Artificial Intelligence if there is a trace of Voicemail on the Call.
Here, you can record a voicemail, play it back, and delete it if needed. The voicemail you select will be automatically played by the artificial intelligence system if voicemail is reached during the call.
Turn ON/OFF Voicemail – Use the Toggle button to Turn ON/OFF the Voicemail feature as needed. The toggle button is automatically turned on if any voicemail is selected while importing the file from the Lists tab.
Voicemail dropdown – This is made available and displayed when the Toggle button is in the ON position. Defaults to the Voicemail selected while importing the file from the Lists tab. If needed, the user i.e. Sales Rep, can change it before the dialing session starts.
Record – Click to record a new Voicemail.
NOTE: Ensure that you are logged into the Koncert Phone Bridge before recording Voicemails. If you are not, an error message below will appear.
Play – Click to listen to the selected voicemail.
Delete – Click to delete the selected voicemail.
Refer to the article Voicemails for detailed instructions.
- AI Flow Dialer
This section has settings specific to AI Flow Dialer and will be available only if you have selected the AIFD product.
- Upon VM detection, leave/skip VMs – On detecting Voicemail during a call, AI Dialers can either leave the VM or skip sending the VM and move on to the next contact, based on the Voicemail settings (Turned ON/OFF) in the Dialing Session tab.
- Upon Phone Tree detection, skip call – Allows AI Dialers to skip the call upon detecting Phoen Tree (IVR).
- AI skip after ringing for <duration> seconds – Allows AI Dialers to skip the call after the selected duration of ringing.
- AI skip busy/failed calls – Allows AI Dialers to skip the call if the number is busy or not reachable.
- AI silence Ring tone – Keeps AI Dialers silent so you won't hear any ringtone while dialing the prospects.
Enable Phone Tree Navigation – Enable to navigate through Phone Trees to reach the prospects. In order to enable the option Enable Phone Tree Navigation", you must disable the "Upon Phone Tree detection, skip call" option. Once the Enable Phone Tree Navigation is enabled, the option Upon Phone Tree detection, skip call will be automatically disabled.
- AI Parallel Dialer
This section has settings specific to AI Parallel Dialer and will be available only if you have selected the AIPD product.
- Upon VM detection, leave/skip VMs – On detecting Voicemail during a call, AI Dialers can either leave the VM or skip sending the VM and move on to the next contact, based on the Voicemail settings (Turned ON/OFF) in the AIPD Dialing Session tab.
- Upon Phone Tree detection, skip call – Allows AI Dialers to move on to the next contact upon detecting IVR.
AI skip busy/failed calls – Allows AI Dialers to skip the call if the number is busy or not reachable.
The user cannot modify the above 3 fields, as those are enabled and grayed out by default.
AI skip busy/failed calls – Allows AI Dialers to skip the call if the number is busy or not reachable.
Enable Phone Tree Navigation – Enable to navigate through Phone Trees to reach the prospects. Upon enabling the Enable Phone Tree Navigation option, the option Upon Phone Tree detection, skip call will be automatically disabled under the AI Parallel Dialer section.
NOTE: If the user deselects the option Enable Phone Tree Navigation, then Koncert will automatically enable the option Upon Phone Tree detection, skip call, as the user cannot modify this setting manually.
- Parallel Lines – Defaults to 4 (Recommended), if needed, you can change from the option 2 and 3 parallel lines.
Expand this section by clicking the arrow. The advanced settings are as follows:
Show Activity History - By default, it is not enabled. Upon enabling this checkbox, a new Activity History icon will appear under the Contact Name and Account Name columns in front of the respective prospect name and account name within the Dialing Session tab.
The users can click the Activity History under the Contact Name column to view the prospect's top 5 activities from the CRM/Sales Engagement Platform.
Also, click the Activity History icon under the Account Name column to view the recent 5 activities of the prospects associated with the account.
- Open Prospect View Screen (upon call transfer) – By default, it is not enabled. Select this option to auto-open the Prospect View Screen window when the call is connected. Applicable only for CRM Org or Org integrated with the Sales Engagement Platform.
- Default Salesforce window - This option is enabled only if you have selected the Open Prospect View Screen (upon call transfer) option. It has two options Account and Contact. Defaults to Contact. The selected tab is made as a default landing page and is opened while dialing the prospect. Applicable only for Salesforce Org.
- Default <Sales Engagement Platform Name> window – The selected window is made as a default landing page and is opened while dialing the prospect when opening the prospect window.
- Default open Style – The options 'Pop up window and New tab' are available under this dropdown. Upon selection, the tab selected under the Default <CRM Name /Sales Engagement Platform Name> window’ dropdown is opened in the style selected here.
- Refresh Lists Automatically (Dynamic Lists) – Option to bring the latest, updated report from the CRM or Sales Engagement platform. By default, this option is not enabled. The user can enable it as required. Applicable only to CRM Orgs or Orgs integrated with the Sales Engagement platform.
When the option is enabled, the pop-up below will be displayed, upon starting the dialing session.
- Yes – This brings the latest, updated report from the CRM or Sales Engagement platform
- Cancel – Proceed the dialing session with the existing report
- Remember this option for future – Upon clicking this option, Koncert automatically refreshes the list whenever it is uploaded into the Dialing Session tab.
- Enable AIPD Transcription for each dial - Upon clicking the textual content of conversations identified by the AI engine will be displayed beneath each corresponding record during the AIPD Session.
- Open LinkedIn Window (upon call transfer) – Select this option to auto-open the LinkedIn page of the prospect being dialed when the call is connected.
- Clear contacts in view – Click to delete all prospects from the Dialing Session tab.
Upon clicking, a confirmation message below will be displayed. Click OK to clear all the existing records from the Dialing Session tab.
After successfully clearing the records, the message Contacts Removed will be displayed.
If any modifications to the settings in the Setting Summary window made are automatically saved, once you click outside of the window.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.