Koncert allows its dialers to place calls ONLY to the phone numbers that meet the below phone format standard. Also, it ensures following the international E.164 format when placing calls to international numbers.
Local US Phone Number Format
Below you can find the allowed phone formats for local numbers.
- <Area Code><Phone Number>
- (<Area Code>) <Phone-Number>
- Area Code – Maximum of 3 digits
- Phone Number – Maximum of 7 digits
For example, here’s a US-based number in standard local formatting for the state of New Hampshire: 6039522500 or (603) 952-2500
Dialing will be initiated only if the phone number meets the aforementioned standard format.
International Number Format
To dial international numbers (while based in the US), the below international E.164 format should be followed:
- A + (plus) sign (replacing the International Call Prefix)
- International Country Calling Code
- Area Code
- Phone Number
For example, here’s a UK number in E.164 format: +44XX0013XXXX
For example, here’s a Singapore number in E.164 format: +656738XXXX
Dialing will be initiated only if the phone number meets the aforementioned international format.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at support@koncert.com or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.