The Call Recordings tab provides an interface for managing and interacting with call recordings. This feature is made available on request, and you must contact to enable it. Once enabled, the tab will provide you with the ability to perform a variety of actions related to your call recordings, such as filtering, playing, rating, sharing, and managing the recordings according to different configurations and permissions.
Here is an overview of the Call Recordings tab, including its sub-tabs and functionalities:
Call Recordings
The Call Recordings feature provides options to view and manage call recordings. Managers can play, rate, share, delete, tag, copy the link, download, add to a library, or view the transcripts for the recordings while the users can only play, rate, share, and view the transcripts.
Note that call recordings will only be available for call outcomes where recording permissions are enabled. This permission must be set to Yes under Administration » Call Dispositions » Call Recording? For more details, refer to the Call Disposition article.
View Modes
Grid View: The default mode, which displays the recordings in a grid layout. This view offers a more visually organized and structured format.
List View: An alternative view that displays recordings in a more compact format, making it easier to view multiple recordings at once. Click on the List View icon to switch to the List View mode.
Refer to the following articles for detailed instructions on how to use call recordings.
Admins or managers with admin access can control call recording permissions, including allowing users to record calls, granting access to view and delete recordings, restricting call recording for specific users or prospects, and enabling transcription for user recordings. These settings are exclusively available to those with admin privileges.
Refer to the article Call Recording Settings for detailed information.
This sub-tab contains all the call recordings that have been added to the library for future reference. Admins and Managers can access the library to view and manage these recordings.
Only Admins and Managers have access to this tab.
Refer to the article Call Recording Library for detailed information.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.