The All Dials tab report provides you with the overall details of all dialing sessions for all the products (for which you obtained a license) for the default date range Current Week. You can change the Date Range and view the stats as needed.
NOTE: For managers, reports of all their team members will be displayed.
Below are the sections and features available in the All Dials tab:
Gives you a clear overview of the number of Connects, Conversations, Meetings, and Positive Conversations during dialing sessions for all users within the default date range of 'Current Week'.
- Connects – Total number of connected calls from the dialing list in a dialing session.
- Conversations – Total number of valid conversations from the transferred calls. A valid connect is any connect that is not documented as Transferred to IVR/VM.
Feel free to request Koncert Support to configure call counting criteria based on duration. For example, if the duration is set to 15 seconds, calls will only be counted as conversations if they last for 15 seconds or more. This setting is specific to AIPD sessions.
- Positive Conversations – Total number of connects with any call result that is marked as a positive connect. Example: Meeting Scheduled, Qualified Lead, Got Referral, Follow up, etc.
- Meetings – Total number of Meetings booked/scheduled.
- Callbacks – Displays the number of inbound calls received from the prospects. The metrics is populated only when the users have enabled the Inbound Forwarding Number for Callbacks in their Workspace » My Profile.
The Info icon is available which shows a tooltip describing the metrics when hovering over it.
The count of Connects, Conversations, Meetings, Positive Conversations and Callbacks is hyperlinked. Upon clicking the metrics count, the records will be filtered based on the chosen metric. For example, if you click the count of meetings, the records with the call disposition 'Meeting Scheduled' will be displayed.
Display of Difference in Metric Values:
This will be applicable only for options 'Current week' and 'Current month', selected under the Date Range filter. The values will be shown in percentage.
Each widget has either a Green Upward arrow, indicating an increment, or a Red Downward arrow
, indicating a decrement, based on the percentage difference between the metrics of the current week/month and last week/month.
For example, if the Number of dials (last month) = 25 and the Number of dials (current month) = 50, then the value will be shown as 100% [derived using the formula ((Count of Current Month - Count of Last Month)/ Count of Last Month) * 100% ], and the green Upward arrowindicates that there is an increment.
Also, when hovering over the respective Green Upward arrow or Red Downward arrow
, a tooltip displaying Up by <Increment value %> from Last Month or Down by <Decrement value %> from Last Month will be displayed.
It is a key area, where you can select the criteria to generate reports. Based on the selected criteria, the report will be generated.
Below are the criteria available in this section:
- Dialers –Select a Dialer Product (AI Flow Dialer / AI Parallel Dialer/ Click Dialer / Agent Assisted Dialer) from the dropdown for which the report will be retrieved. Defaults to the Products that you have obtained license. Mandatory field.
- Teams – This filter is only applicable and enabled for Managers and disabled or grayed out for users (Sales Reps). Users can only view their own reports.
- Users – Defaults to your name (logged-in user name). If you have been given access to see other sales reps you can choose names in this dropdown.
- User Dispositions – Defaults to User Disposition. Lists out only the user dispositions in the Call Disposition dropdown.
- All Dispositions – Select to list out all the dispositions in the Call Disposition dropdown.
- Non-Connected Dispositions - Select to list out all the non-connected dispositions in the Call Disposition dropdown. Upon selecting the Non-Connected dispositions, a report for dials, that are not connected with the prospects and to which dispositions were not added due to the sudden closure of the browser or any sudden power failure, is displayed.
- Call Disposition – Select a Call Disposition/Result from the dropdown for which the report is to be retrieved.
- Lists – Select a List from the dropdown for which the report is to be retrieved.
- Date Range – Defaults to ‘Current Week’. If needed, you can select the desired date range.
- Call Duration – Filter based on the selected duration (All, Less than 30 Seconds, Less than 30 Seconds, Above 1 minute)
- Apply – Click Apply to retrieve the report based on the selected criteria.
- If you have licenses for multiple products, you can choose them from the Products dropdown.
- To select all options in the dropdown menus at once, click Select All, and to deselect all options, click Clear.
- Start Date & End Date – The Start Date and End Date fields will be enabled only when ‘Custom Date’ is selected from the Date Range field.
- The filter option is also available below the Widget Section for quicker access to filtering.
- Export Report – Click the export icon and then choose either Export to Excel or Export to CSV to save the report.
- Refresh Report – Click Refresh to bring the latest report.
- Search – Search the records in the generated report. Enter your search criteria (contact name, account name) in the space provided, and the matching results will be listed.
All Dials
This section is where the retrieved report data will be displayed.
By default, up to 2,000 records will be displayed at a time. You can view all the available records. To access more than the default limit of 2,000 rows, users need to request Koncert Support to increase the record display limit.
The User column remains static as you scroll to the right.
Below are the default columns and their descriptions from the report:
View Call Recordings and Details icon
– Clicking this icon opens the View Call Recording window. You can play, rate and share the call recordings from this tab. Please refer to the section Coaching Notes.
- User – Name of the Talker/Sales Rep.
- Account Name – Prospect’s Company name.
- Contact Name – Name of the prospect. The Referral icon is displayed for the prospects who have been referred in the Call Disposition pop-up by the dialed prospect.
Call Comments – Comments mentioned in the Call Disposition window. You can edit the Call Comments by clicking the Edit
icon when you hover over the Call Comment and click anywhere on the screen to save the modified information. You can edit only call comments associated with User Dispositions.
- Call Disposition – Call Outcome selected in the Call Disposition window.
The Call Dispositions are displayed in different colors based on the selections made by the Talker or AI, as shown below:
Black - Dispositions selected by AI. (Non editable).
Blue - Dispositions selected by Talker. (Editable).
If the Talker needs to update to edit or modify the disposition which was logged through the Call Disposition window as needed by clicking the respective disposition.
Upon clicking, the Call Disposition dropdown will become enabled, allowing you to select the required disposition.
After successfully changing the disposition, the following confirmation message will be displayed.
NOTE: The link 'Update Disposition' will appear in red if no disposition is selected by either the Talker or AI, which may occur due to accidental browser closing or sudden closing of the Koncert portal during a dialing session. The aforementioned steps can be followed to update the disposition by clicking the Update Disposition link.
- Caller ID – Displays the Caller ID used to dial the prospect during each call.
- Caller ID Type – Displays the Caller ID type (Custom Caller ID, Personal Caller ID, Random, or Mapped Area-Based Caller ID) used for dialing the prospect.
- Title – Prospect’s title.
- Dialed Number – Phone number used to connect with the prospect.
- Phone Type – Phone type used to connect with the prospect e.g., Direct Phone or Phone, etc.
- Call Duration – Total time duration of the call.
- Product Type – Product used for dialing. AI Flow Dialer or AI Parallel Dialer
- Date – Indicates session date.
- Start Time – Starting time of the session.
- End Time – End Time of the session info icon.
The Info icon is available for the Call Disposition, Phone Type, Call Duration, Start Time, End Time and Caller ID columns and shows a tooltip describing the metrics when hovering over it.
Coaching Notes
Transcription: View the transcript of the call recording.
Rating: Rate the call directly from this tab.
Coaching Notes: The manager can add Coaching notes for the call recordings for users.
Add Note: Opens a text area where coaching notes can be added.
Save Note: Saves the coaching notes with a timestamp as shown below:
Edit : Allows for editing of coaching notes at any time by clicking the edit icon. The owner of the Coaching notes can only edit.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.