The Koncert (Modern Dialers) October'23 Release includes enhancements that will bring you a better Koncert experience.
The topics are as follows:
Inclusion of New Product Icons
Sort By - Before You Begin window
Talking points - Prospect View window
Inclusion of Dial Pad and Play VM button for Referral Contact
Transcript - Call Disposition pop-up
Extension Number Retrieval for Phone columns - Outreach
Removal of Contact Name during importing Outreach call list
Inclusion of Alert Message for New Call Disposition
Parking Lot - Export Parked prospect records
Inclusion of additional Default Tags
View Call Recording enhancement
All Dials – Inclusion of Play icon
Call Session Summary – Visibility of Info icon
Display of Difference in Overall Dialing Stats
Style Adjustment for Schedule and Customize Reports Icon
Auto Mapping of HubSpot Call Dispositions
User Interface Changes
Inclusion of New Product Icons
As a part of UI enhancement, new product icons have been introduced for the AI Flow Dialer (AIFD) and AI Parallel Dialer (AIPD) to visually distinguish the products. These icons are designed to make it easier for users to identify and work with the specific dialer they need.
AI Flow Dialer (AIFD) –
AI Parallel Dialer (AIPD) –
My Session Enhancements
Voicemail Toggle button
As part of the newest version of Koncert, the VM ON/OFF button under the AIFD/AIPD Session has been replaced with a new Voicemail Toggle button to provide a better look and feel for the application. The Voicemail Toggle button can be turned ON or OFF with a simple click. By default, the Toggle button is in the OFF position.
Voicemail OFF:
Voicemail ON:
When hovering over the Voicemail Toggle button in the ON position, a tooltip ‘This will drop VMs only in first phone column selected’ is shown.
In addition to this, a Voicemail dropdown will only be made available and displayed when the Toggle button is in the ON position. The Voicemail selected in the Settings Summary section or Settings tab will be displayed by default. If needed, the user i.e. Sales Rep can change it before the dialing session starts.
Sort By - Before You Begin Window
The Sort by feature has been further enhanced in Koncert, allowing for dual-level sorting of columns within the Koncert Portal under the Before You Begin window, before the dialing session starts.
Also, it can be sorted either by Ascending or Descending order. The list will be sorted and dialed based on the columns selected under the Sort by section.
For example, you can initially sort by Account Name and then by Contact Name as shown below.
Talking points - Prospect Information
Koncert allows the Sales reps to note and save the Talking points, important information discussed during the call such as next call plans or follow-up plans for the prospect, in the Call Disposition pop up » Talking Points section during the dialing session.
In the previous version, the Talking points will be visible only within the Call Disposition pop up during the dialing session.
But now the Sales reps can only view Talking Points exclusively in the Prospect Information window at any time. This enables Sales reps to make notes and plan dialing sessions more effectively.
Inclusion of Dial Pad and Play VM button for Referral Contact
The Referral information can be gathered and recorded in the Call Disposition pop up using the Add a Referral option. Koncert allows the option of immediate dialing of the Referral Prospect.
In the previous versions, when dialing a Referral Prospect immediately, the Dial Pad and Play VM button were unavailable in the Call Disposition pop up.
Starting from this version, the Dial pad and Play VM button will be made available when dialing the Referral Prospect immediately.
Transcript - Call Disposition pop-up
In general, the AI Engine dials prospects and transfers calls to the Sales Rep without delay when it detects a trace of human voice during the dialing session.
With this version, Koncert introduces a new feature called 'Transcript' in the Call Disposition pop-up for AIPD Session. It captures and displays the text of conversation recognized by the AI engine as human, under the label 'Prospect Said:' next to the Talk Time as shown below.
Extension Number Retrieval for Phone columns - Outreach
In previous versions of Koncert, users encountered an issue when trying to retrieve extension numbers associated with Phone Columns such as Phone, Mobile Phone, and Direct Phone, from the Outreach » Activity section.
This issue has been resolved in this version. Henceforth, the extension numbers added for the Phone Columns, including Phone, Mobile Phone, and Direct Phone, will now be successfully retrieved and displayed under the column Extension in the AIPD/AIFD Session tab in the Koncert portal.
In addition to this, any extension numbers added or modified in the Prospect Information window will be automatically updated in the Outreach » Activity section.
Lists Tab
Removal of Contact Name during importing Outreach call list
In Lists tab, Call list(s) from Outreach can be imported into Koncert before initiating a dialing session by selecting options like Sequences, Steps and Import Task By.
Previously, the Import Tasks By dropdown under the Add Records from Outreach window provided options like ’Contact Name, Created Date, Due Date and Scheduled Date’, for organizing your import tasks.
Starting from this version, the option Contact Name has now been removed. Henceforth, the lists can be imported from Outreach into the Koncert only based on Created Date, Due Date and Scheduled Date.
NOTE: Call lists imported previously from Outreach, based on the Task Type 'Contact Name' will now be sorted with respect to the Task Type 'Due Date' when imported into the Session tab for dialing.
Sorting of Call Dispositions
Koncert now offers the flexibility to rearrange the call dispositions available under the Call Dispositions for Users section. The user can simply drag and drop the icon associated with the Call Disposition under the Administration » Call Dispositions tab, placing them in the desired order. The order it was sorted here, will appear in the Call Disposition pop up » Call Outcome dropdown.
A notification message 'Display Order Updated Successfully’ will be displayed, once the sorting is done.
Inclusion of Alert Message for New Call Disposition
With this version, an alert message below will be displayed when the Admin tries to add a new Call disposition by clicking the Add New button in the Administration » Call Dispositions tab.
NOTE: This alert message is specific to HubSpot orgs or any orgs integrated with the Sales Engagement platform.
Parking Lot - Export Parked prospect records
A new button Export has been added next to the Settings button (above the grid) under the Parking Lot tab for convenient exporting of the selected parked records to your computer in ‘CSV’ format.
The exported CSV file contains the below information.
- Contact Name – Name of the prospect whose phone number was parked
- Account Name – Prospect’s Company name
- CRM ID - If integrated with a CRM, you will see the CRM ID. If it is a CSV file, Koncert will assign a CRM ID.
- Title – Title of the prospect
- Phone Number – Parked contact's phone number
- Phone Type – Phone Type (Direct Phone or Mobile or Phone, etc.) of the parked contact
- Date – Date when the contact was parked
- Rule Name – Name of the Parking Lot Rule under which the phone number was parked
- User Name – Name of the Talker i.e. Sales Rep
Call Recordings
Relocation of Product filter
The Product filter under the Call Recordings » Filters window has been moved to the top as shown below. This reorganization ensures that the Product filter is easily accessible.
Search by Tag
In the previous version, the Koncert allows searching of call recordings only by Contact Name and/or Account Name.
As part of the enhancement, Koncert introduces a new search option Tag. You can now search call recordings by the associated Tags, allowing for more precise and structured searches.
Inclusion of additional Default Tags
In the previous version of Koncert, only 4 default tags were available under the Tag Call Recording window.
Now, Koncert introduces the following sales-specific tags under the Tag Call Recording window. These tags will be available for selection by default. The Manager can use these as needed.
- High Performance
- Team Review
- Coaching
- Competitor Comparisons
- Objections
- Marketing
View Call Recording enhancement
In the View Call Recording window, you can
- Play call recordings by clicking the Play
icon where a Wave Surfer will be shown.
- Adjust Playback Audio Speed
- Mute, reduce, or unmute the volume using the Speaker
- Easily adjust the volume by interacting with the Volume Bar
In the previous version of the Koncert, the Speaker icon, Playback Audio Speed dropdown and the Volume bar were placed in a single line alongside the Wave Surfer.
In this version of Koncert, the user interface has been updated for an enhanced viewing experience. The Speaker icon, Playback Audio Speed dropdown and Volume bar have been relocated to a separate line, improving the visual appeal of the Wave Surfer.
All Dials – Inclusion of Play icon
A blue Play icon has been added to the Analytics » All Dials tab to play the calls recorded by the users. The icon will be visible only for the calls recorded during the dialing session.
In addition to this, the User dispositions will be selected and displayed by default, under the Analytics » All Dials tab » Filters window.
Call Session Summary – Visibility of Info icon
In general, Koncert considers a connection made to the prospect both as a Connect and a Conversation when it lasts for zero seconds, by default. This will be displayed under Connects and Conversation columns in Analytics » Call Session Summary, respectively.
With this version, Koncert now considers a Connect as a Conversation only when it lasts for 15 seconds on request basis. An Info icon is added and visible when you avail this feature. You can reach out to Koncert support to enable this.
When hovering over the Info icon in the Conversation and Positive Conversations columns, relevant tooltip messages will be displayed.
Conversation – Connects longer than 15 seconds are considered as conversations.
Positive Conversations – Conversations with following outcomes are considered as Positive Conversations. Outcomes: Follow Up, Follow Up- Busy, Not a good time, Follow Up – Send information, Got Referral, Meeting Scheduled.
Some of the examples of the outcomes, which have been considered as Positive Conversations are displayed in the tooltip message.
Also, the list of positive conversations may vary based on the settings configured under Administration » Call Dispositions tab, for your organization. The outcomes are not limited to those shown in the Tooltip message.
Display of Difference in Overall Dialing Stats
The Analytics » All Dials/Call Session Summary tab displays clear overview of the Overall Dialing Stats. i.e. Number of Dials, Connects, Conversations, Meetings, and Positive Conversations, during dialing sessions. The percentage indicating the difference between the metrics of two date ranges (for example, from the current day to previous day) selected in the Date Range filter is displayed for each stat.
Previously the difference in metrics was displayed for all Data Range options.
Now, the Koncert shows the metric percentage value only for the Date range Current Week and Current Month (For example, from Current Week to Previous Week or from Current Month to Previous Month).
Style Adjustment for Schedule and Customize Reports Icon
In previous versions of Koncert, the icons for Schedule Reports and Customize Reports were shown in filled colors to highlight these features.
Now, the appearance of Schedule Reports and Select Reports
icons has been modified, as shown below, to maintain the uniformity throughout the Koncert application.
Koncert - Network Latency Report
Now, the report ‘Koncert - Network Latency Report’ has been enhanced with better visualization under the Analytics >Advanced tab, to gain valuable insights into the performance of your internet bandwidth over a specific 30-minute time period.
Additional Date Range Options
Koncert adds the new date range options 'Last 1 hour' and 'Last 2 hours‘ across all tabs within the Analytics module. This gives you more flexibility to analyze data within specific time frames.
Third Party Integrations
Auto Mapping of HubSpot Call Dispositions
In the previous version of Koncert, the Admins had to manually map the Koncert Call Dispositions with the HubSpot Call Dispositions for mutual synchronization of call activities, when a Hubspot org is created.
With this version, Koncert simplifies the process by introducing an auto-mapping feature for Koncert Call Dispositions with HubSpot Call Dispositions. Admins can achieve this by clicking a 'Default Disposition Mapping' button under Settings » Third Party Integrations tab. Upon clicking the button, a confirmation message will be displayed.
Clicking 'OK' will auto-map the very first Call Disposition from HubSpot with all Koncert Call Dispositions. Admins can then modify the disposition as needed.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.