Koncert will start tracing the phone numbers in the uploaded Call List, with the defined criteria from the date the rule is created, once the dialing session is started. If any numbers match these criteria after being dialed, Koncert will automatically move to Recently Dialed tab, and then move to Non-Dialable Prospects tab once the list is reset, where you can view the Parked records with a Parking icon under the column Call.
Recently Dialed tab:
Non-Dialable Prospects tab:
Click on the Parking icon to launch the Parking Lot - <Prospect Name> window to view the Phone Type, Phone Number, Parking Lot Rule, Outcome, Occurrence, Parking Lot Entered Date/Time and User for the prospect who has been parked. Koncert will initiate calls to the alternate phone numbers available for the prospect (if any) but NOT to the parked phone number.
Click Learn more about Parking Lot link to view the detailed information about the Parking Lot feature.
Also, an entry for the parked contacts will be displayed under the Administration » Parking Lot tab.
NOTE: By default, 100 records will be displayed in the grid. You can view 5,10, 25, or 50 records at once in the grid by selecting the respective count in the Show dropdown. Use the pagination option to view the next/previous records.
The following columns are available under the Parking Lot tab:
- Rule – Name of the Parking Lot Rule under which the phone number was parked
- Contact Name – Name of the prospect whose phone number was parked
- Phone Number – Parked contact's phone number
- Date – Date and Timestamp when the contact was parked
- User – Initials of the First name and Last name of the Talker. When you hover on the initials, the talker name will be displayed.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at support@koncert.com or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.