Below you can find instructions on how to add a new Parking Lot Rule:
- Under Administration » Parking Lot Rules tab, click on the Add a Rule button.
- After the Add Rule window (shown below) pops up, select the following:
- Rule Name – Enter a unique name for the Rule.
- Select Contacts based on dispositions selected by: Defaults to AI. It indicates that the rule will be executed for the dispositions selected by AI during the dialing session. You can select Talker from the dropdown, if the rule must be created based on Talker's disposition.
- Select Contacts based on the following dispositions – Choose the required Call Disposition (s) for this rule. You can choose multiple outcomes by holding the Ctrl or Shift buttons on the keyboard. The outcomes will be listed in the dropdown based on the previous selection i.e. either AI or Talker.
- Any Disposition meeting the following occurrences count will trigger the rule – Defaults to 1. It indicates that Koncert allows the disposition(s) selected to be logged only once during the dialing session before adding them to the Parking Lot. If needed, you can change the count as you wish.
Upon reaching the count specified, the phone number will be parked immediately.
- Reset each disposition's occurrence upon prospect is connected – By default, it is not enabled. You can click to reset the occurrence count when the user logs any positive outcomes (apart from the outcome(s) selected), even when nearing the occurrence count.
- Click Save to add the rule. The alert message shown below will be displayed.
- Once the Parking Lot rule is created, the rule will be displayed as shown below:
Expand All – Click to expand and view the following additional fields for each rule. Upon clicking, the Expand All button will be replaced with the Collapse All button which allows you to hide the additional fields.
- Created By – Shows the name of the Manager who created the rule.
- Created Date – Shows the date when it was created.
- Last Modified By – Shows the name of the Manager who last modified it
- Last Modified Date – Shows the date when it was last modified.
NOTE: For the default parking lot rules, the name Koncert Support will be displayed under the columns Created By and Last Modified By.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.