The Custom Fields tab in Koncert's Administration section allows you to create, manage, and utilize custom fields in the Dialing Session tab. This feature helps customize data fields as per your business requirements for seamless integration within the Koncert portal.
For standalone organizations, the following columns are displayed in the Custom Fields tab:
- Koncert Fields: Lists the names of custom fields created in Koncert.
- Field Type: Displays the type of each field, such as Textbox, Date, or Dropdown.
- Read Only: Indicates whether the field is editable or view-only.
- Action: Allows you to delete custom fields (if applicable).
Koncert includes predefined mandatory fields for standalone organizations, which are essential for proper functioning and cannot be deleted.
Show Dropdown Option
At the top of the Custom Fields tab, a Show dropdown is available to filter fields by category. You can toggle between the following options:
- Prospect Fields: Displays and allows the creation of custom fields related to prospects.
- Account Fields: Displays and allows the creation of custom fields related to accounts.
By selecting the desired option, you can easily view, manage, and create the corresponding custom fields.
Add a new custom field
Follow these steps to add and map a new custom field:
- At the top of the Custom Fields tab, select the Prospects Fields option from the Show dropdown. You cannot create a new account field.
- Click the Add a CSV Field button at the top-right corner of the page.
- In the Koncert Field Mapping window that appears, provide the following details (all fields are mandatory):
- Koncert Field Name: Enter the name of the custom field.
- Field Type: Choose the appropriate field type from the list.
Supported Field Types:
- Checkbox
- Date
- Dropdown: If selected, you must provide the dropdown values manually.
- Integer
- Numeric
- Phone
- Textarea
- Textbox: For this type, select either Text or URL under the Control Type dropdown.
- Timestamp
- Read Only: Select Yes if the field should be view-only or No if it should be editable.
- Click Save. A confirmation message, ‘Custom Field Added’, will appear.
After the field is created, it will appear under the Koncert Fields column with its field type and read-only status.
NOTE: If the field you’re attempting to add already exists, an alert message will notify you, preventing duplication.
The created custom field will be added and available under the Dialing Session tab » Manage Columns window. You can make the field available under the Dialing Session tab if needed.
Refer to the article How do I move my columns around in Session? for detailed information.
In addition to this, you can edit the Custom field in the Prospect Information window or the Call Disposition window » Prospect Fields.
Edit a Custom Field Name
You can rename any custom field (except mandatory ones) by following these steps:
- Click the custom field name you want to modify.
- In the Koncert Field Mapping window that appears, update the Koncert Field Name as needed. Click Save.
- A confirmation message, ‘Fields Updated’, will appear.
NOTE: Mandatory fields cannot be edited, but their details can be viewed by clicking the field name.
Delete a custom field
Below you can find instructions on how to delete a custom field:
- You can delete the custom fields by clicking the Delete
icon under the Action column.
- The confirmation message shown below will be displayed. Click Delete to delete the custom field or click the Close
icon to cancel the deletion process.
- After successful deletion, the message shown below will be displayed.
NOTE: You cannot delete the mandatory fields, as the Delete icon will be disabled and grayed out.
The mandatory fields are:
Account Name, City, Comments, Contact Name, Created Date, Due Date, Email, Engagement Score, Extension, First Name, Last Name, LinkedIn URL, Modified Date, Phone, Prospect Stage, Record Type, Report Name, Sequence Name, State, Step Display Name, Subject, Timezone, Title and Website / Website URL.
In addition to the above mentioned fields, the following fields will be available by default when an org is created.
- CRM Link
- Direct Phone
- Direct Phone Extension
NOTE: Please reach out to Koncert Support at to add new field types of your wish/preference.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.