Mapping the dispositions ensures that calls tracked in Koncert are accurately reflected in HubSpot, improving the efficiency of your workflow. This step helps streamline reporting and synchronization of activities between the two platforms.
Steps to Map Koncert Call Dispositions with HubSpot Call Dispositions
Login to Koncert:
After creating the HubSpot organization, log in to Koncert. If one or more HubSpot dispositions are not mapped, a banner message will appear, indicating that call dispositions are not mapped.
Once all dispositions are mapped, the banner will no longer appear.
Access the Call Disposition Mapping:
Click on the banner message, which will redirect to the Third Party Integrations tab.
Alternatively, you can manually navigate to Administration » Third Party Integrations, then click on the Call Disposition Mapping link.
Initial Mapping of Call Dispositions:
Upon accessing the mapping screen for the first time, all call dispositions will appear blank.
Mapping all Koncert Call Dispositions with the appropriate HubSpot Call Dispositions is mandatory for proper synchronization.
You can choose to either:
Manually Map Dispositions: Map the necessary Koncert Call Dispositions to the respective HubSpot Call Dispositions.
Automatically Map Dispositions: Click the Default Disposition Mapping button at the top of the page to automatically map the default Koncert Call Dispositions to HubSpot Dispositions.
Also here, the dispositions marked such as Positive or Meeting in Koncert under Administration » Call Dispositions tab will be displayed.
You can make modifications if necessary. Changes made in this section will also be reflected in the aforementioned tab and vice versa.
Default Disposition Mapping
Clicking the Default Disposition Mapping button will display a confirmation message.
Click OK to confirm. The following mapping criteria will apply:
HubSpot’s first disposition will be automatically mapped to all Koncert dispositions.
Example: If the first HubSpot disposition is Busy, it will be mapped to all Koncert dispositions.
NOTE: Once automatic mapping is completed, the Default Disposition Mapping button will no longer be visible.
Manual Adjustments
Admins can modify the mappings as necessary. Adjustments can be made for:
- Talker Dispositions
- AI Engine Dispositions
- Dialing Agent Dispositions.
After making the necessary changes, click Save to save your settings. A confirmation message Disposition Updated will appear.
Activity Creation in HubSpot
Once a disposition is selected in the Call Disposition window, an activity will be automatically created in HubSpot based on the mapped dispositions. The activity will appear on the HubSpot » Activities page, reflecting the selected disposition.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.