- Should contact Koncert Support with the list of Countries that need to be enabled for dialing.
- Make sure you are logged into the Koncert Phone Bridge (Join Audio) and are active on the Dialing Session tab.
- The phone number should be in the format of '+Country Code' followed by the phone number. For example, +44 XXX XXXX XXXX.
Dialing Session
By default, the settings (Timezone and Caller ID) configured under the Add Records From <CRM/CSV/Cadence/Sales Engagement Platform> windows in the Lists tab will be updated and displayed in the Dialing Session tab and Settings Summary window. If needed, you can change as you wish.
To dial international records, the time zone should be International and the Caller ID should be Custom caller IDs.
International Time zone
Based on the settings, the time zone International will be displayed by default under the Time zones filter while the other time zones will be grayed out.
In addition to this, an Info icon shows the list of countries enabled for international dialing, when hovering over it.
Custom Caller IDs
For International dialing, you should use only 'Custom Caller IDs'. When you select timezone International , the Caller ID dropdown automatically changes to 'Custom', and the Caller IDs dropdown will be enabled and allow you to select Custom Caller IDs.
The selected Caller IDs will be displayed to the prospect. If you choose more than one, they will round-robin.
Refer to the Settings Summary article for guidance on this.
Join Audio
To kick off the dialing session, it's mandatory to connect the Koncert Phone bridge. Refer to the Join Audio article for step-by-step instructions on how to do this.
Initiate Session
The dialing session can be initiated only from the Dialing Session tab. Please dial into the Phone Bridge and click the Start Session button.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) automatically identifies the nature of the voice on the call and takes the appropriate action.
- If there is a trace of a human voice on the Call, it will transfer the call to the Sales Rep without any delay.
- In the case of Voicemail, it will automatically send the selected VM and hang up the call with an appropriate Call Disposition.
- In the case of Phone Tree, it will automatically hang up the call with an appropriate Call Disposition.
NOTE: In the Settings Summary window, you can configure the Voicemail and Phone Tree settings for AIFD if needed.
Initiate Session & Logging of Disposition
- To learn about initiating a Dialing Session, click on How do I initiate a Dialing Session?
- Refer to the article Call Disposition popup to have a wide knowledge about logging a Call Disposition.
Call Recordings for International Dials
When a user from the United States, whether in a one-party or two-party consent state, dials international calls to prospects, only one side, i.e., the user's side audio, will be recorded, regardless of the settings configured for either location, user location, or prospect location under the Call Recordings » Permissions tab.
You can listen to the Call Recordings either in the Call Recordings tab or Analytics tab.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.