Admins or Managers with admin rights can only view the Settings sub-tab under the Call Recordings tab.
They can perform the following actions in the Settings sub-tab:
- Enable or disable call recording functionality for the entire organization
- Defines how call recordings are handled for two-party consent states.
The following settings and sections will be available for configuration.
- Enable Call Recordings – This toggle allows admins to enable or disable call recording functionality for the entire organization. If disabled, admins must contact Koncert support to re-enable this feature.
Koncert’s call recording features are designed to fully comply with two-party consent laws, as well as other applicable state, federal, and international regulations related to phone call recordings in United States and Canada.
Call Recording Settings (Two Party Consent) – This section defines how call recordings are handled for two-party consent states. Admins can choose from the following options, which will be available for selection only if both Don't record calls in Two-Party Consent states and Don’t record Prospect Side for all calls are disabled.
- Either Location: This setting records only the user's audio for all calls when either the user or prospect belongs to a Two-Party Consent state. This option is recommended for compliance with regulations.
- Prospect Location: Regardless of user location, both sides of the conversation are recorded when dialing into a one-party consent state. However, if dialing into a two-party consent state, only the user's side of the conversation is recorded.
User Location: Call recording is determined by the location of the user(s). If the user(s) are in a two-party consent state, only their side of the conversation is recorded. Conversely, if in a one-party consent state, both sides of the conversation are recorded when dialing into other one-party consent states. However, if dialing into a two-party consent state, only the user's side of the conversation is recorded.
For the aforementioned settings, the prospect's location is determined based on the area code of the dialed phone number, while the user's location is determined by the User Location dropdown in profile settings for each user. You can click the link 'click here' to know about the list of Two-Party Consent states.
When a call is made and the "Enable Call Recording" setting is turned on, Koncert will determine the recording settings based on previous configurations, in accordance with two-party consent laws.
Record calls based on one of the following options: This section provides the option to determine whether Koncert will record calls based on the prospect's state or phone area code.
By prospect’s state (If available) – The call recording is determined based on the state where the prospect is located. This option uses the prospect’s physical location (state) to apply consent rules.
For instance, if the prospect is in a "two-party consent" state (such as New Hampshire), Koncert will record only the user's side of the conversation. Ensure that your dialing list includes state information if this option is selected; otherwise, Koncert will record only the user's side.
- By prospect’s phone area code (If available) – The call recording is based on the area code of the prospect’s phone number rather than their physical location. With this option, if a prospect is physically located in a "one-party consent" state, but their phone number has an area code from a "two-party consent" state (such as New Hampshire), Koncert will record only the user's side of the call.
- Don’t record Prospect Side for all calls:
When this option is selected, Koncert restricts the recording of calls made to the prospect. Only the talker side of the call will be recorded. Once enabled, the sections Call Recording Settings (Two Party Consent) and Record calls based on one of the following options will be hidden from view.
Don't record calls in Two Party Consent states :
If this option is selected, the calls made to two-party consent states will not be recorded. Once enabled, the section Call Recording Settings (Two Party Consent) will be hidden from view.
Never Record Calls: Enables the admins to restrict call recordings for specific states irrespective of the option selected under the Call Recording Settings (Two Party Consent).
Never record calls (For specific states) - Upon selecting the checkbox, a Select State dropdown appears where users can choose the states to which the call recordings will be restricted.
After selecting the desired states, users can save the details by clicking anywhere on the screen. The below alert message will be displayed when any changes are done.
The selections will be saved accordingly. A Note will appear indicating that calls made to the selected states will not be recorded, along with the the selected state names.
If the users clear the selected states and save the details, the Never record calls (For specific states) checkbox will be automatically disabled.
International Calls:
When a user from the United States, whether in a one-party or two-party consent state, dials international calls to prospects, only one side, i.e., the user's side audio, will be recorded, regardless of the settings configured for either location, user location, or prospect location under the Permissions tab.
Koncert provides enhanced control over call recordings for international calls, allowing admins to specify which countries' calls should be recorded.
When the Record calls to made to International Countries (user side only) toggle is turned on, a Select Countries dropdown appears. Admins can choose specific countries from this dropdown where call recordings will capture only the talker side of the audio. Only the allowed international countries will be displayed.
After selecting the desired countries, the changes made will be saved automatically.
If the admins clear the selected countries and save the details, the Record calls to made to International Countries (user side only) toggle will be automatically disabled.
NOTE: When a user from outside the United States makes international calls, the calls will not be recorded on either side.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at or 603-952-2505.NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.