What is Callbacks?
The inbound call received from the prospect is known as a callback. You can find the list and count of inbound calls received, in the following tabs.
- Dialing Session » Callbacks
- Analytics » All Dials and Call Session Summary sub-tabs and Koncert - Executive Report.
What happens when an inbound call is received?
For this, Koncert provides real-time notifications to users for incoming calls from prospects, wherever the user may be in the application ensuring that these notifications are visible across all tabs within the Koncert application.
The below notification indicates that you are receiving an inbound call from the prospect to the inbound Forward number. You can either close the window or attend the call on the call forwarding number
In case, the user receives the inbound call on their Inbound Forward number during a dialing session, Koncert automatically pauses the session. However, the session will not pause if the user is currently on call or in the wrap status.
Users can easily close the inbound call notification window to resume their session.
Callbacks tab
The new Callbacks tab in the Dialer interface provides a dedicated space for managing and tracking callbacks, offering enhanced functionality to streamline your workflow and boost productivity.
The Callbacks tab in the Koncert Dialer interface provides a structured space for managing and tracking callbacks efficiently. This feature enables users to handle both answered and unanswered callbacks, filter them by date, and customize notification settings.
Here, you can view 3 sub-tabs.
- All – Shows the complete list of callbacks, including both answered and unanswered.
- Answered Calls – Displays the list of callbacks that were successfully answered.
- Unanswered Calls – Displays the list of callbacks that were not answered.
The count of each metric will be displayed.
Enhanced Filtering and Sorting
- Date Range Filter: Filter callbacks by date range (Today, Yesterday, Current Week, Last Week, Current Month, Last Month) to easily identify and prioritize urgent callbacks.
- Search by Name/Phone: Quickly search for specific callbacks by contact name or phone number.
- Sorting Options: Sort callbacks by date, contact name, or account name to organize them in a way that suits your workflow.
Timestamp of Refresh
A timestamp is displayed on the Callbacks tab to indicate the last time the data was refreshed. This ensures that you are always working with the latest information.
Clear and Concise View
The Callbacks tab provides a clear and concise view of essential callback information, including:
- Contact name
- Account name
- Phone number
- Date of the callback
- Duration of the callback
- Status of the callback
- Call Disposition. Applicable only for Answered Calls sub-tab
The Settings button allows you to customize the following preferences.
Real-time Notifications
In-App Notifications: Enable to receive instant notifications for new callbacks directly within the Koncert app.
SMS Notifications: Enable to receive SMS notifications for callbacks. Upon enabling, an alert prompts you to configure the notifications for SMS alerts.
When a prospect attempts to call the user back, an SMS notification is sent to the registered mobile number.
During the setup process, users will see the Koncert Callback Consent Approval pop-up:
The system recommends using a mobile number for SMS and callbacks.
Users are presented with two options:
Agree – Grants permission for Koncert to send SMS notifications and receive calls on the registered number. Once consent is provided, users will start receiving callback notifications without interruptions.
Decline – Prevents Koncert from sending callback notifications to the provided number. Users who decline consent will not receive any SMS alerts for callbacks until they manually enable them later.
By selecting the appropriate option, users have full control over whether they wish to receive callback notifications and messages from Koncert.
Allow – Click on this to proceed to the next steps.
Select your call status (Ringing, In Progress, or No Answer) under the section "Notify when the call is". The SMS will be sent only based on the call status selected.
Call Forwarding
Call Forward to: You can configure a phone number to receive calls as well as SMS which notifies you about the callbacks.
In order to receive callbacks or SMS notifications, Koncert will verify the phone number you entered over a call and SMS.
An Info icon is available next to the Call Forward to field. Hovering over it displays the below message.
This notifies users that call forwarding is only available for US-based phone numbers. Additionally, by providing their number, users confirm ownership and authorize receiving phone calls and text messages based on their configuration.
Furthermore, call forwarding to a VOIP number may not work reliably, so it is recommended to use a mobile number for consistent call forwarding.
Phone Number Verification:
After entering the phone number, a prompt will appear asking for the One-time password (OTP). The user will now receive the OTP via a phone call from the Koncert team. Once the OTP is entered correctly, the message Phone number verified will appear to confirm successful verification.
SMS Verification:
After your phone number is verified, Koncert will send you a confirmation SMS. Once the SMS is delivered, you will see a message stating SMS Verified.
After completing the verification process, you will receive SMS notifications whenever a callback is received.
You can find the metrics in the Call Session Summary and All Dials sub-tabs under the Analytics module.
The count of Callbacks is hyperlinked. Upon clicking the metrics count, the records will be filtered only with callbacks.
In the All Dials tab, you can add the Dispositions and Call Comments under the respective columns for the Callbacks.
Click on the link 'Update Disposition' for the prospect that you wish to add the disposition. Upon clicking, the dropdown will become enabled, allowing you to select the required disposition.
After successfully added the disposition, the following confirmation message will be displayed.
Also, you can add the Call Comments for the prospects that you wish by clicking the Edit icon when you hover over the Call Comments. Add the comments as needed and click anywhere on the screen to save the modified information.
You can edit the call disposition or call comments at any time if needed.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at support@koncert.com or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.