For assistance with importing your assigned Lead Pool List, refer to the article: How do I upload a Lead Pool List that has been shared by my manager?.
Before starting, ensure that the list settings are configured correctly. Refer to the Settings Summary article for guidance on this.
Let's dive into the Dialing Session tab to explore its features. Click on the article Session - Workspace to gain insights.
To kick off the dialing session, it's mandatory to connect the Koncert Phone bridge. Refer to the Join Audio article for step-by-step instructions on how to do this.
Lead Pool List Restrictions
- Lead Pool lists are locked. Users cannot change phone fields, time zones, or apply filters.
During the session, you cannot refresh or reset the list, add a filter, or apply a Likely to answer filter. However, you can sort the list and mark prospects as DNC or DNC Until.
- Prospects will remain in your dialing session for a specific number of hours (as defined in the list settings by the manager). After this period, if no attempt is made to call them, they will be released back into the pool. For example, your Manager may assign 100 prospects for you to call within 72 hours. If calls are not made, these prospects will return to the pool.
- Lead Pooling list settings are defined by your Manager. If you identify any settings that need to be changed, please contact your Manager.
- It is mandatory to add the Phone Fields assigned for the Lead Pool List in the Settings Summary window to the Customize View » Manage Columns window. If any phone column(s) is missed, the following alert will be displayed when starting the session.
Clicking the Customize View button will directly open the Manage Columns window, allowing users to easily add the missed phone column(s).
Dialing Process
- Once you've completed dialing your current batch of prospects, the system will automatically pull the next batch of contacts for you to dial.
- When the list is exhausted (i.e., all contacts have been dialed), the system will notify you, restart the list, and allow you to start again from the beginning. This may take a few minutes, and you might be alerted to check back later.
- Canceled calls will be returned to the pool and assigned again.
Initiate Session
The Lead Pool List Dialing Session process is the same as the normal dialing session process.
The dialing session can be initiated only from the Dialing Session tab. Please dial into the Phone Bridge and click the Start Session button.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) automatically identifies the nature of the voice on the call and takes the appropriate action.
- If there is a trace of a human voice on the Call, it will transfer the call to the Sales Rep without any delay.
- In the case of Voicemail, it will automatically send the selected VM and hang up the call with an appropriate Call Disposition.
- In the case of IVR, it will automatically hang up the call with an appropriate Call Disposition.
Refer to the article How do I initiate a Dialing Session? to have a wide knowledge about Dialing Session.
Pulling next batch of Prospects
Once the current batch is completed, the following alert message appears, notifying users that they have completed dialing their current batch of prospects and that the system is now working on pulling the next batch of prospects.
Then the next set of prospects will be imported into the Dialing Session tab, if available.
Reset List:
Once all the prospects in the list have been dialed, the following alert will appear, notifying users that the list is automatically fetched from Salesforce. The system will only retrieve prospects with Non-Conversation outcomes.
If needed, the Admin can contact Koncert Support to enable the manual resetting of the Lead Pool List.
If manual reset is enabled, the below alert will be displayed once all the prospects in the list have been dialed.
In the Lists tab, a Reset icon will appear next to the Lead Pool List name.
Clicking the Reset icon will prompt the following confirmation message. Click Reset to proceed. You can then upload and continue dialing as needed.
You can view importing, uploading, and resetting activities at any time in the Import Queue tab.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.