New to Parallel Dialing? We’ve got everything you need to know.
This article explores Parallel Dialing, a key feature of the Koncert platform that allows you to simultaneously call multiple prospects while using AI to identify live pickups. This approach enhances your productivity by increasing the number of prospects you can engage with each day.
The article is divided into two main sections:
Specific Settings required for Parallel Dialing:
This section has settings specific to AI Parallel Dialer and will be available only if you have selected the AIPD product.
In the Settings Summary window, you can see the below options:
AI Parallel Dialer section
- Upon VM detection, leave/skip VMs – On detecting Voicemail during a call, AI Dialers can either leave the VM or skip sending the VM and move on to the next contact, based on the Voicemail settings (Turned ON/OFF) in the AIPD Dialing Session tab.
- Upon Phone Tree detection, skip call – Allows AI Dialers to move on to the next contact upon detecting IVR.
AI skip busy/failed calls – Allows AI Dialers to skip the call if the number is busy or not reachable.
The user cannot modify the above 3 fields, as those are enabled and grayed out by default.
- Enable Phone Tree Navigation – Enable to navigate through Phone Trees to reach the prospects. Upon enabling the Enable Phone Tree Navigation option, the option Upon Phone Tree detection, skip call will be automatically disabled under the AI Parallel Dialer section.
NOTE: If the user deselects the option Enable Phone Tree Navigation, then Koncert will automatically enable the option Upon Phone Tree detection, skip call, as the user cannot modify this setting manually.
- Parallel Lines – Defaults to 4 (Recommended), if needed, you can change from the option 2 and 3 parallel lines.
Advanced section
- Enable AIPD Transcription for each dial - Upon clicking the textual content of conversations identified by the AI engine will be displayed beneath each corresponding record during the AIPD Session. Applicable only to AIPD.
- Enable Double Tap - Enable this option to dial each phone number twice across all available phone columns. Refer to the section What is double tap here in AIPD session?.
How to Use Parallel Dialing in Koncert
To initiate dialing with Koncert, simply connect to the Phone Bridge and click Start Session button
Once AI starts dialing, you’ll encounter two scenarios: either you connect with prospects, or they don’t pick up.
Click the below sections for guidance on how to handle each situation:
Scenario 1: Prospect Doesn’t Answer
If the AI is unable to connect with the prospect, for instance due to failed or busy, the AI will hang up the call and log an appropriate call disposition.
For voicemails, it will automatically send the selected VM and hang up the call with an appropriate Call Disposition.
For Phone Tree Calls (IVR), it will automatically hang up the call with an appropriate Call Disposition.
Scenario 2: Prospect Answers
If there is a trace of a human voice on the Call, the AI Parallel Dialer will transfer the call to the Sales Rep without any delay. Also, the Call Disposition window will pop up, once the call is connected.
A small transcript of your prospect’s speech will be visible next to their name (Hello angela caron here - this is the soundbite that the AI identified as a live person/human), in the Call Disposition pop up.
Manual overtaking of Call:
Koncert provides you an add-on option i.e. the user, can take control of the call by clicking the Take Control button, which will bring up the Call Disposition window to disposition the call outcome.
If the option Enable AIPD Transcription for each dial under the AIPD Dialing Session tab » Settings Summary window » Advanced section, is enabled, then you can see the transcription i.e. the textual content of conversations identified by the AI engine beneath each corresponding record, on the dialing screen for AIPD Sessions.
What is Double Tap here in AIPD session?
AI dials the phone numbers twice across all available phone columns, exclusively during the AIPD session except for the below call outcomes logged from the first attempt.
- Busy
- Failed
- Phone Tree
- Phone Tree - Name Found
- Phone Tree - Name Not Found
- Phone Tree - No Company Directory
- Left VM (AI)
- Left VM (AI) - Name Found
- Left VM (AI) - Last Name Found
Does it reflect in metrics?
Also, any call with the outcome Failed, Busy, or Talker Busy - Unanswered Call Canceled will not be included in the dial count during the dialing session and will not be counted in the reports under the Analytics.
Initiate AIPD Session
Once the session has started, the below dialing screen will be displayed.
Refer to the section AIPD session in the article How do I initiate a Dialing Session? on starting the AIPD session.
Where can I see my metrics?
The dialing information and metrics on the session will be reflected in the metrics across all the reports in the Analytics module
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.