The Email Account can be configured in the Cadence » Settings » Email Settings tab.
NOTE: If no email settings have been performed, then:
- A hyperlinked message ‘Your email account is invalid. Please click here to update your information’, under the Cadence header. Upon clicking this link, you will be redirected to the Settings » Email Settings tab.
- Emails sent from Cadence (processed through Email Touch or Send One-Off Email) will not be delivered until the Settings have been done.
You can find three email server types, which can be used to send emails to the prospects:
- Gmail
- Office365 – Basic and Oauth
- Microsoft Exchange – Exchange 2007, Exchange 2010, Exchange 2013, and Exchange 2016
Below you can find how to configure your Email Account:
- In the Email Account section, select a Server Type from the dropdown.
NOTE: Based on the Server Type selection the fields in the Email Account section will differ.
- Enter the Email, User Name, and Password in the respective fields.
- Click on the Save Email Account button. After your account has been authenticated, you will be notified with a green checkmark ‘Your Email Account is Verified’.
- You can configure your Email Signature in the Email Signature section. The Email Signature will be automatically added to the bottom of an Email.
NOTE: You can disable the Email account configured for a specified date range. Please refer to How do I disable an Email Account? for detailed information.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at or 603-952-2505.