The Send One-Off Email feature (Send Email icon ) is used to compose and send an email to one prospect at a time. In the Send Email window, you can either compose and send an email or insert an existing email template and send an email.
You can access the Send Email icon from the following tabs/screens:
- Cadence » Prospects tab
- Prospect View » Contact Info / Actions sections
Below you can find how to send a One-Off Email on behalf of a user:
- In the Prospects tab, select your user from the User(s) dropdown.
- Click on the
Email icon on the floating toolbar when hovering over a prospect to whom you wish to send an email.
- This will launch the Send Email window as shown below:
NOTE: You can see the message “You are trying to send on behalf of <User name>” with Yellow highlighted.
- By default, the prospect’s Account Name, Contact Name, Title, and Email address will be automatically fetched and displayed.
- Either compose a new email or insert an existing template by clicking the Insert Templates/Snippets icon at the bottom.
- Click Send to send an instant email to the prospect on behalf of your user.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.