The Emails tab has been specifically designed and developed for Email touch. From here, you can manage and perform the following actions:
- View the metrics for the following email outcomes:
○ Pending – Number of pending Emails. Click to view the list of pending emails with the following details:
■ Subject – Email Subject
■ Cadence – Cadence under which the email processed
■ Name – Prospect/Contact Name
○ Replied – Number of replies from the prospects. Click to view the list of replied emails with the following details:
■ Subject – Email Subject
■ Cadence – Cadence under which the email processed
■ Name – Prospect/Contact Name
■ Replied on – Date and Time stamp when the prospect has replied
○ Scheduled – Number of scheduled emails. Click to view the list of scheduled emails with the following details:
■ Subject – Email Subject
■ Cadence – Cadence under which the email processed
■ Name – Prospect/Contact Name
■ Scheduled on – Date and Time stamp when the email has been scheduled
○ Bounced – Number of emails bounced. Click to view the list of bounced emails with the following details:
■ Subject – Email Subject
■ Cadence – Cadence under which the email processed
■ Name – Prospect/Contact Name
■ Bounced on – Date and Time stamp when the email is bounced
○ Sent – Number of emails sent by the user. Click to view the list of emails sent with the following details:
■ Subject – Email Subject
■ Cadence – Cadence under which the email processed
■ Name – Prospect/Contact Name
■ Stats – Statistics (opened, replied and links clicked) of the emails sent
■ Sent on – Date and Time stamp when the email has been sent
- Compose and send an instant email (Send One-Off Email) to the prospects by clicking the Compose Email button at the left pane.
- View the history of email activities by clicking the Email Subject.
Managers can view the Email activities of their team and perform the above actions.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at or 603-952-2505.
NOTE: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding compliance with relevant laws.