The Koncert for Salesforce Version 3.45.57 Release includes significant enhancements & fixes that will bring you a better Koncert experience.
This article provides you with an overview of the below enhancements and resolved issues added to the Koncert for Salesforce Version 3.45.57.
The topics are as follows:
User Assignment Enhancements
In Koncert for Salesforce Version 3.45.57, the following enhancements/changes have been made in the Koncert Settings » Users tab:
- A new Profile section has been introduced in the Users tab to provide permissions for profiles to access the Koncert application.
Select the profile to that you wish to provide permission and click the Apply button. Users added to Permission Sets (Koncert App and Filed Permissions) and associated with the selected profile will be listed under the Users column, after clicking the Refresh Users button.
- From Koncert for Salesforce Version 3.45.57, the list of profiles and users will be sorted and displayed alphabetically.
- In the previous version of Koncert for Salesforce, it was possible to view a maximum of 10 users per page under the Users column. The Pagination option allows you to navigate and view other users.
In Koncert for Salesforce Version 3.45.57, the number of users per page has been increased to 25 with a scrolling feature that allows you to scroll through the list of users. You can use the Pagination option to view other users.
- In the previous version of Koncert for Salesforce, you could change the license allocation for each user across all pages and save them all at once.
From Koncert for Salesforce Version 3.45.57, you are restricted from navigate to next/previous pages without saving the changes made for the user(s) on the current page. When trying to do so, an alert message below will be displayed. Henceforth, it is mandatory to save the changes made page-by-page.
In response to changes in license allocations for the user(s), the remaining license count for the products will be instantly updated.
Call Recording URL
- There was an issue in the previous version of Koncert for Salesforce, where the Call Recording URLs of the prospects were not updated in some instances on the Activity History page of Salesforce (under the CL Call Recording field).
This issue has now been resolved in Koncert for Salesforce Version 3.45.57. Henceforth, the Call Recording URLs of the prospects will be saved and updated on the Activity History page.
- Also, the format of the Call Recording URL has been changed as below:
New Format
Old Format
Web Tab
Koncert provides an ability for the admin users to create a Web Tab within the Salesforce and customize its size and style. The Web tab facilitates the opening of the Koncert Portal within the Salesforce environment.
View State Error
In the previous version of Koncert for Salesforce, the below View State error appeared in some rare scenarios while saving the changes made in the Koncert Settings » Users tab.
This issue has now been resolved in Koncert for Salesforce Version 3.45.57.
Please contact Koncert Support for any questions at or 603-952-2505.